It is possible to be a mother even after 40, children are being born with ART Technology

Fertility starts to decrease after the age of 35 and decreases rapidly after 40 years. But ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) can reduce this problem.

Nowadays girls marry late due to success in career and search for better partner. Because of this, they have to face many difficulties in becoming a mother. Because fertility starts to decrease after the age of 35 and decreases rapidly after 40 years. But ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) can reduce this problem. Know what is this assisted reproductive technology and how it can be helpful for women who become late mothers.

Assisted Reproductive Technology

Assisted reproductive technology is a way to freeze eggs. On this, IVF expert Dr. Bharti Jain of KJIVF Centre says that egg freezing and egg donation has increased the chances of achieving maternal pleasure manifold. When a woman is born, then there are full female eggs ie eggs in her body. Even before birth, when she lives in her mother's womb, then it is determined how many eggs will be stored in her ovaries. When the hormonal activity begins when virginity starts, these eggs are lying dormant. Every month a bunch of eggs start their journey towards Andotsarg.

Many women make fewer eggs naturally or for other reasons. Fertility drugs are given for a week or more to increase the production of eggs. Egg production is monitored through ultrasound scans. After this, the eggs are removed by surgery after giving anesthesia. These are then immersed in liquid nitrogen at 196 degrees and freeze. In this way they can be handled for years.

When to get egg Fridge?

Many women believe that eggs can be frozen at any time. So she waits till she is 40 years old. After this, you want to freeze eggs. But, by this time it is too late. It is better for women to freeze eggs between the ages of 25 and 37. The quality of eggs is excellent at this age.

According to Dr. Bharti Jain, women who want to freeze egg should not delay and freeze their eggs before 34 years in any case.

How many eggs to Freeze?

According to IVF expert Dr. Kuldeep Jain, this can be a personal decision. By the way, it is advised to freeze around 10 eggs. The probability of giving birth to a live baby with a single frozen egg is about 2.12 percent. But if more than two eggs are frozen, their chances of becoming embryos increases.

Which women are useful?

1. Women who want to fulfill certain goals before becoming a mother.

2. Those who have not yet found a proper spouse.

3. Women who have cancer, because chemotherapy or radiotherapy for its treatment is very fatal for eggs. So young cancer patients can freeze their eggs before the start of treatment.

4. Women who have a family history of early menopause in their family, because the eggs begin to end rapidly at an early age.

If you are looking for the best IVF Treatment Centre in Delhi-India, please contact infertility treatment facilitators like KJIVF. which provides personal service and assistance to each and every intended parent all over Delhi and other countries. For more information on IVF or Surrogacy in Delhi, you can make reference to their website :-


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