Vantage: a blood test will tell whether the baby in the womb is safe or not:

Becoming a mother is such a pleasant feeling, surrounded by many difficulties. British experts have claimed to have devised a blood test to find out what the risk of miscarriage is in a pregnant woman.

Experts originally developed this test for women using the IPF procedure, but they say it can also be done naturally by pregnant women. This investigation can find out the pregnancy status of a woman as well as the dangers of miscarriage. Scientists at the Glasgow Center for Reproductive Medicine (GCRM) studied the hormones of two thousand women pregnant with IVF technology. They observed that women who had low levels of HCG hormones had a higher risk of miscarriage.

70 units per liter of HCG safe

Experts found that in women whose level of HCG hormone was less than 30 units per liter, the chance of reaching eight weeks of gestation was two percent. Similarly, women whose blood had a rate of 70 units per liter of this hormone were found to have more than 86 percent chance of safe pregnancy. Marco Gowdin of GCRM ​​says that HCG can warn couples about potential hazards in advance after knowing the level of the hormone. This can help strengthen them mentally and emotionally. This paper will be presented at the annual conference of the European Society of Humor Reproduction and Embryology in Geneva this week.

Test will help breast cancer patients to determine the level of treatment

Experts at the University of California have claimed to have developed an investigation that will allow breast cancer patients to determine their level of treatment. Experts say that only 15 percent of breast cancer patients are suspected of being re-diagnosed. This test will help them to know whether breast cancer can take them back again. In this way they can avoid going through a more aggressive process of treatment.

Principal researcher Doctor Kuldeep Jain Director of KJIVF(Best IVF Centre in Delhi) says that this is the first step towards choosing treatment according to the personal condition of women battling breast cancer. The investigation is called Mammaprint and researchers studied data from 652 breast cancer patients for nearly 20 years. They assessed 1780 patients whose cancer did not grow beyond one level and whose cancerous tumor size did not exceed three centimeters. The results of this research have been published in the journal JAMA Oncology.

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