Treatment of infertility will be possible with this technology

Experts say that it is now possible to treat infertility(Infertility clinic in delhi) with the help of PRP (Platelets Rich Plasma) worldwide, although it is not being used anywhere as a stabilized procedure.

Treatment of infertility is now possible with the help of PRP (Platelets Rich Plasma) worldwide although it is not being used anywhere as a stabilized procedure.

In a seminar held at KJIVF(Best IVF Centre in delhi), IVF specialist Dr. Kuldeep Jain said that the lining of a woman's uterus was weak and thin, due to which she was unable to become a mother(IVF Clinic in Delhi) . Physicians have succeeded in removing their infertility by adopting PRP technique.

He said, "This woman became a mother after 18 years of marriage through this technique."

Dr. Jain(Best IUI Centre in Delhi) said that PRP is a technique in which blood component is removed by removing blood from the patient's body with the help of special technique, in which platelets are rich in rich amount. It has the ability to improve growth factor and hormones. This improves the resistance.

Note :- If you need to understand more about IVF Treatment in delhi, IVF Centre in Delhi, best tube baby centre in Delhi, IVF Clinic in Delhi e.t.c then you can visit us at KJIVF or you can call us :- +9196507 25386, +91 011 22503927. 


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